and corrupted since its inception in1979 which so many people who were politically and
ideologically opposed and hostile to the theocratic regime had been liquidated on the spot without receiving minimal pardon or mercy.
This report exclusively highlights the Iranian judicial violations against Ahwazi Arab prisoners. However, the whole facts of miscarriage of justice of Iranian judicial courts in Ahwaz region are hard to be documented properly and comprehensively since many of the trials of convicted people were carried out in secret, shortly in few minutes behind closed doors and without presence of lawyers indicating the utter failing of fundamental rights of convicted individuals which enshrined in Islamic Republic’s constitution. despite regime’s attempts to keep the lid of oppression unrevealed and unheard , many of human rights activists who have devoted their life to battle the injustice have helped a lot to reach out the unheard voices of those innocent victims who were murdered or received cruel punishments by the hands of Iranian Islamic republic regime.
Iranian regimes’ real and anti-Democratic character came out apparently since the supreme leader determined to spearhead the country by his fossilized despotic mentality. Thus, the regime to limit the freedom of expression, opinion, peaceful assembly and associate in the country launched a political takeover of the judicial system, installing it with the regime supporters who lack of impartiality and being biased facilitating the way for regime to crack down on its opponents violently.ideologically opposed and hostile to the theocratic regime had been liquidated on the spot without receiving minimal pardon or mercy.
This report exclusively highlights the Iranian judicial violations against Ahwazi Arab prisoners. However, the whole facts of miscarriage of justice of Iranian judicial courts in Ahwaz region are hard to be documented properly and comprehensively since many of the trials of convicted people were carried out in secret, shortly in few minutes behind closed doors and without presence of lawyers indicating the utter failing of fundamental rights of convicted individuals which enshrined in Islamic Republic’s constitution. despite regime’s attempts to keep the lid of oppression unrevealed and unheard , many of human rights activists who have devoted their life to battle the injustice have helped a lot to reach out the unheard voices of those innocent victims who were murdered or received cruel punishments by the hands of Iranian Islamic republic regime.
I would like to draw your attention on the case of Ahwazi Arab people who received harsh crackdown by some groups of notorious and biased judges who are under the direct influence of intelligence and security apparatus.
Right after the popular uprising which ignited in Ahwaz on 2005, large numbers of Ahwazi Arab political, civil and cultural activists have systematically been arrested and appallingly liquidated by the oppressive proceedings of judicial systems which allegedly considered death penalty as a last resort to get rid of the Ahwazi Arab prisoners.
To quell the increasing peaceful struggle of Ahwazi Arabs the Iranian regime by the cooperation of their deeply flawed criminal judicial system began to prioritize the death penalty for Ahwazi prisoners, amid global warnings from human rights organizations.
Most of Ahwazi Arab activists were victimized by some group of biased judges who were appointed to conduct the repressive measures of intelligence service against Ahwazi Arabs. Therefore, the judges remain so heavily biased and unfair against Ahwazi prisoners.
Many trail of Ahwazi victims who sentenced to death penalty failed to meet the international standards for fair trails, including by using “confessions” obtained under severe tortures or other ill treatment as evidence against the defendant. Self-incriminating testimonies of Ahwazi Arab prisoners that often released on air by Press TV Channel even before the opening of a trial, undermining the fundamental rights of defendants to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
The Iranian judicial authorities have been confirming the death penalty as a last step against innocent Ahwazi Arab prisoners after charging them with vague and baseless accusations”.
Here a partial list of notorious judges who are operating in branches of Ahwaz revolutionary court and have issued extensive death penalty and heavy longtime prison sentences against Ahwazi Arab prisoners.
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Mousavi: Judge of 2nd branch of Ahwaz’s Islamic Revolution Court, responsible for issuing the death sentence for dozens of political activists in Ahwaz including the death sentences of five member of scientific – cultural institute of Al-Hiwar; Hashem Shabani Nejat, Hadi Rashdi, Mohammad Ali Amouri –Nejat, Seyed Jabber Alboshoka and Seyed Mokhtar Alboshoka from Khalafeyeh city whose death sentences were verified by the branch 33 of supreme court in Tehran.
The death sentences of Hashem and Hadi were carried out in 2014, their families have no information of their place of burial so far. The judge issued death sentences against Ali Chebeyshat and Seyed Khaled Mousavi, two Ahwazi Arab political activists from Susa city who also were executed few months ago after they had been transferred from Rajayeh Shahr prison to an unknown location.
Europe Union foreign ministers in a meeting in Brussels on Monday, March 11, 2013, imposed sanction on several Iranian human rights violators including the judge, Seyed Mohammad Bagher Mousavi who meted out death sentences to Ahwazi Arab prisoners.
Ahmadi: Judge of Branch one of Ahwaz’s Islamic Revolution Court, without due process, procedures and principles of fair trial, has issued death penalty and heavy sentences against Ahwazi Arab political activists.
Farhadvand: Judge of Branch one of Ahwaz’s Islamic Revolution court, by losing impartiality and without being commitment to procedures and principles of fair trial, has issued death penalty and heavy sentences against Ahwazi Arab political activists.
Morteza Turk: judge operating in Ahwaz’s Islamic Revolution court, by issuing heavy punishment in unfair and biased trials against Ahwazi political and civil activists is one of human rights violators.
Mahmoudi: judge of third branch and Magistrate of branch one of Ahwaz’s Revolution court, responsible for many of long prison term sentences which issued against Ahwazi Arab political prisoners. Some prisoners said that the judge was totally under influence of intelligence service’s orders. Under this judge, many prisoners received long ranges of prison terms with exile to other prison outside Ahwaz region.
Reza Farajollahi: Judge and head of Branch 32 of the Supreme Court in Tehran. The judge confirmed the death sentenced of five member of scientific – cultural institute of Al-Hiwar; Hashem Shabani Nejat, Hadi Rashdi, Mohammad Ali Amouri –Nejat, Seyed Jabber Alboshoka and Seyed Mokhtar Alboshoka.
The judge also verified the death sentences of Ghazi Abbasi, Abdolreza Amir Khanafereh, Abdul Amir Mojadami, Jassem _Moghadam Payam from Falahiyeh (Shadegan) city, whose death sentences were massively carried out.
Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi: former chief of Ahwaz’s justice and current Tehran’s chief prosecutor, during 2005 -2006 was responsible for dozens of death sentence issued against Ahwazi Arab prisoners. Under this judge, procedures of prisoners’ cases who had been sentenced to death penalty were speeded up and carried out very fast.
Iraj Amirkhani: former Ahwaz‘s Prosecutor-General after issuing death penalty sentences against Arab prisoners promoted as a deputy of Tehran’s prosecutor. He also was working as a counselor of Tehran‘s appeal court. In fact, he as prosecutors played a crucial role in issuing the death sentences of Arab youths as an example, under this judge, very appallingly the death sentence of one Ahwazi Arab prisoner named Reisan Sawari who was a teacher, has not been confirmed by the Supreme Court yet. While, the judicial authorities of Ahwaz as usual colluded with intelligence service and executed him secretly.
Iranian Labour News Agency (news code 327803) in interview with Iraj Amirkhani which dated back on July 16, 2006, announced that the Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz had sentenced death penalty to 36 prisoners in total and their sentences are waiting for execution order.
Farhadi Rad: was investigator of Branch one and deputy ‘prosecutor in Ahwaz’s Revolution court in 2005-2006. The Ahwazi Arab prisoners who were arrested in demo on Eid-al-Fitr in 2006 remember him very well for his ill-treatment and his offensive ways with Arab youths who were dressed with white dishdasha [a long robe commonly worn by Arabs] and red Chaffiyeh [Arab head dress].
The in series of interviews with Ahwaz organization for the Defence of Human Rights the freed Ahwazi Arab prisoners who wanted to remain unknown recounted their ill-treatment and tortures and abuses that they went through by the orders of Farhadi Rad in Karoon detention facilities. They have spoken of the savage tortures that they sustained by the electric shocks in presence and under commands of Farhadi Rad. Some prisoners who have given their accounts to Ahwazi organization for the Defence of Human Rights said that under Farhadi Rad orders, the security forces packed us in small room and for humiliating and insulting , the security forces undressed us by force and kept us completely naked then torn off our Arabic traditional outfit and cleaned their shoes by it.
Later, Farhadi Rad promoted as a deputy ‘prosecutor of Ahwaz’s Revolution court which coincided with executions of Ahwazi Arab prisoners who were executed lately.
Some relatives of executed prisoners said that Farhadi Rad as a deputy ‘prosecutor repeatedly kept refraining from mentioning the exact time for implementing the death penalties of prisoners and dealt very inhumanly and aggressively with Arab families who come to prosecutor office to ask about their sons who were sentenced to death penalty.
Haj Hassan Kaka: was especial investigator for national security offenses in Ministry of Intelligence service in the 70's and 80’s in Ahwaz. Most of Ahwazi detainees who were freed after uprising events of 2005 said that Hassan Kaka was one of their interrogators in Ministry of Intelligence service. A local source says that after the popular uprising events in Ahwaz, he has been transferred to Tehran and even changed his name and currently is in charge of a judicial office in Tehran.
Gholamhossein Zat Ajam: head of Branch 13 of appeal court and former chief of appeal court of province. There are credible documents in hands of Ahwazi human rights activists that prove all the death penalty and prison sentences which had been confirmed against Ahwazi prisoners by this judge were in violation of Iranian laws regarding having rights of fair trial.
Morteza Kiasati: judge of Branch 4 of Ahwaz’s Revolution court and operating as a deputy of prosecutor for Ahwaz’s prisons. For recognition, appreciation and honoring his inhuman actions in issuing life imprisonment and death penalties sentences against Ahwazi Arab prisoners, he was selected as the best judge of Ahwaz’s Revolution court and also especial judge of Iran in 2013.
On Monday, March11, 2013, the European Union imposed sanctions on 90 Iranian human rights violators. Among those newly listed is a judge, Morteza Kiasati, who imposed death sentences on four Iranian Arab political prisoners.
"They were arrested, tortured and hanged without due process," the European Union said in its official journal. "These cases and the lack of due process were referenced in a report ... by the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran."
Morteza Kiasati, is responsible for the death of three Heydarian brothers and their friend, Ali Sharifi, in the secret detention, the authorities have not given the bodies to their families. Many Ahwazi activists are buried inhumanly in unmarked mass graves. Lanat Abad (Place of the Damned), is a place located near Ahwaz City in which the dead bodies of Ahwazi political prisoners are often buried there. The lack of adequate signage means that relatives do not know where the dead are buried.
Mohammad Bagher Olfat: Current Chief Justice of Ahwaz region which is highest judicial authority in Ahwaz. During his tenure, heavy and gross sentences were imposed and carried out against Ahwazi Arab activists. For instance, the execution sentences of four prisoners from Falahiyeh (Shadegan), two member of scientific – cultural institute of Al-Hiwar; Hashem Shabani Nejat, Hadi Rashdi and also two members of a cultural institution of Susa city; Seyed Khaled Mousavi and Ali Chebeyshat were carried out secretly and the authorities have not given the bodies to their families. In a meeting for introducing and appointing a new head of the Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz on September, 2013, he expressed his pride in fighting against national security crimes in Ahwaz. To be noted that Iranian authorities allegedly use the “national security offenses” for referring to political and cultural activisms viewed as anti-regime acts.
Farhad Afshar Niya: General prosecutor of Ahwaz‘s Revolution court. During a press conference in September, 2012, he said that” we are not afraid of issuing and carrying out death penalties. During his interview, he emphasized on necessity of serious dealing with Ahwazi Arab political activists. In an interview with journalists on February, 2011, he proudly admitted of conducting 40 cases of execution in the second half of Iranian year. He added that the execution will continue and carry out and if the head of judiciary system confirm our application for public execution then all the execution would be carried out in public.
Abdel- Hamid Amant Behbehani: was investigator judge of Revolution court of Ahwaz. After the events of 2005 and 2006, he was the investigator and interrogator of some Ahwazi Arab political prisoners. Some Ahwazi detainees said that during their interrogation, they were severely tortured for extracting confessions in his presence.
Ali Shabbani: he was the head of branch 3 of Ahwaz’s Revolution court. He has been biasedly violated the Ahwaz Arab political and civil defendants’ rights and without due process and in unfair trails sentenced many of Ahwazi Arab prisoners to death penalty. The names of these prisoners who were executed are as below:
Reysan Sawari, Abdul- Zahra Heleychi, Zamel Bawi, Mohammad Ali Sawari, Jaffer Sawari, Nazem Bereyhi, Abdul- Imam Zayeri.
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