the self-immolation of Younes Asakereh, the Ahwazi Arab
fruit seller
whose fruit stall was confiscated by the security forces and the
municipal officials which led him to set himself on fire in protest at
the confiscation of his fruit stall in Mohamerah, the repression
campaign against Ahwazi street vendor has extended to other Ahwazi
cities as just few day ago the police forces and municipal officials
attacked an Ahwazi Arab vendor in Mahshor city and beaten and assaulted
him brutally.
Ahwazi Arab human rights activists have reported that in the past few
days, the Iranian security forces have severely attacked Ahwazi Arab
street hawkers in streets of Mahshor city and completely confiscated
their possessions and obliged many of them to pay financial fines.
The reports added that the security forces have arbitrarily bulldozed and removed the goods of the Ahwazi Arab men and women vendors and peddlers who wish to sell food, T-shirts, and other goods unless most of them obtain legal permits for vending in the streets in reasonable fashion.
The reports added that the security forces have arbitrarily bulldozed and removed the goods of the Ahwazi Arab men and women vendors and peddlers who wish to sell food, T-shirts, and other goods unless most of them obtain legal permits for vending in the streets in reasonable fashion.