We have received a personal plea from
Kamil Alboshoka who has connections with the Jersey AI group for our
support over members of his family and their friends, after their death
sentences were upheld by the Supreme Court of Iran in January. The
sentence could be carried out at any time. All were arrested in
connection with their activities on behalf of Iran’s Ahwazi Arab
minority. They are believed to have been tried unfairly and were
reportedly tortured in detention. The men were originally sentenced to
death on 7th July 2012 by Branch 2 of the Ahwaz Revolutionary Court.
Amnesty has initiated an urgent action letter writing campaign on behalf
of the five men.
Upcoming Events
Date of next group meetingWhen: 6pm Wednesday, 6 March
Where: Saint Helier Town Hall (map)
Informal Social Gathering
When: 6pm Friday, 15 March
Where: La Bastille Brasserie, Saint Helier (map)
What: Members are invited for informal post-work drinks from 6 p.m. on Friday 15th March at La Bastille, St Helier. It is a chance to meet others in the group and to bring along anyone who might be interested in finding out more about what we do.
When: 6pm Friday, 15 March
Where: La Bastille Brasserie, Saint Helier (map)
What: Members are invited for informal post-work drinks from 6 p.m. on Friday 15th March at La Bastille, St Helier. It is a chance to meet others in the group and to bring along anyone who might be interested in finding out more about what we do.
Amnesty's Annual General Meeting and National Conference
When: 13/14th April
When: 13/14th April
Where: Warwick University, Coventry, UK (map)
What: Any interested members are invited to attend. Some subsidised places are available. Details can be found on the Amnesty UK website. Places must be booked by 1st March.
What: Any interested members are invited to attend. Some subsidised places are available. Details can be found on the Amnesty UK website. Places must be booked by 1st March.
Freedom Cycle Ride
When: Sunday, 12 May
When: Sunday, 12 May
What: If you would like to help please contact event organiser Tim du Feu.
Regstock 6
When: Sunday, 14th July (Bastille Day)
Where: Reg's Garden, St Brelade (map)
Regstock 6
When: Sunday, 14th July (Bastille Day)
Where: Reg's Garden, St Brelade (map)
Paid already? Thank you, skip this bit. Still to pay? Here's how.
Subscriptions of £10 for voting
membership of the Jersey Group for the year 2013 are due. Paid-up
members are entitled to vote at AI Jersey meetings. Any additional
donations are very welcome and are always gratefully received.
Subscriptions can be paid:
- By mailing the treasurer P McCarthy, 4 Mont Arthur Close, JE3 8AH a cheque payable to 'Amnesty International Jersey Group' (or simply AMNESTY)
- By downloading, printing out and filling in a Standing Order pro-forma.
- In person at the next group meeting on Wednesday 6th March.
Everything Else
Quiz Night
Many thanks to all who supported this popular and enjoyable event which, yet again, was a sell-out. Particular thanks to Fred Benest and Alison Ahier, and their team of helpers, for their hard work in organising an evening which was not only fun but which raised a significant sum for the much needed work of Amnesty International.
Minutes from the February Group Meeting
The minutes are now available online on our website.
Many thanks to all who supported this popular and enjoyable event which, yet again, was a sell-out. Particular thanks to Fred Benest and Alison Ahier, and their team of helpers, for their hard work in organising an evening which was not only fun but which raised a significant sum for the much needed work of Amnesty International.
Minutes from the February Group Meeting
The minutes are now available online on our website.
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